
Українські Великодні Піснеспіви

Українські Великодні Піснеспіви Ukrainian Easter Hymns

Accompanying my recent collection of Polish Easter hymns, here’s a comparable set of Ukrainian hymns, 23 in total. I’ve loosely translated their titles and provided an index at the beginning. You can download this pdf collection and print them at the UPS Store and have them spiral bound, as I like to do, so they’ll […]

O Jesus The Most Holy

Yкраїнська Великий Пісні Ukrainian Lenten Hymns

I’ve been playing Polish hymns on Sunday morning for quite a while now, as preludes and Communion offerings. For the past several years I’ve been studying my heritage language and more recently, Polish history, right up to the late 19th century when my ancestors left the rural countryside and arrived in Buffalo, NY from Ellis […]

Ukrainian folk music on Irish harp

Ukrainian folk music on Irish harp YouTube Video

Ukrainian folk melody played on Stoney End Esabelle, cross-strung wire harp.      

Harp Music for Ukraine

Harp Music for Ukraine Red Verburnum in the Meadow

Traditional Ukrainian folk music played on Irish wire-strung harp, Stoney End Esabelle (cross-strung).