After a hiatus of about four years (with the exception of stepping in briefly trying to come to the rescue of my troubled alma mater Green Mountain College in spring 2019), I’ve pretty much veered away from Twitter. I like Twitter. It’s a quick, easy place to grab news headlines, spot interesting trends in fashion and the arts, discover the exotic and previously undiscovered in the world of science and of course, post your music to your followers.
Except. We had a period of quite a bit of unpleasantness, which got worse and worse and mercifully enough, with the common sense wisdom of Twitter management was finally shut down in these final weeks of the outgoing administration. Should have been done a long time ago. But I really didn’t enjoy being there, surrounded by a general negative climate, foul-mouth people, and endless conspiracy talk. That doesn’t interest me. At all. It felt like no matter what you tweeted, some nasty person would come crawling out of the woodwork and make some weird, uneducated or pointless remark. I don’t like that and I don’t like reading it in response to the articulate, thoughtful and well-researched commentary of individuals and organizations who did take the time to post material they thought the general public would enjoy reading or should know about. So I left.
And I’m sorry, but I’m not interested either in “free speech” arguments defending this noxious behavior or opposing social media corporations for taking steps to curtail it. There’s a point where the environment becomes so toxic it becomes unsustainable and unhealthy to breathe in. Civil discourse matters.
Moving right along. I reactivated my dormant Twitter account. You can click here:
Follow @SherriMatthew to follow me (and Jasmine Kitty!) if you’d like to see and hear the latest YouTube video shortly after I’ve uploaded it. I’ll also tweet the latest blog posts as well when they’re published.
Stay healthy! Play your harps! And with your kitties!