Українські Великодні Піснеспіви Ukrainian Easter Hymns
Accompanying my recent collection of Polish Easter hymns, here’s a comparable set of Ukrainian hymns, 23 in total. I’ve loosely translated their titles and provided an index at the beginning. You can download this pdf collection and print them at the UPS Store and have them spiral bound, as I like to do, so they’ll […]

Polish Easter Hymns My 5th collection available for download
Just in time for Easter, I’ve completed compiling a new collection of Polish language hymns from the Polish American Liturgical Center at Orchard Lake, Michigan. There are 22 hymns in this pdf document, along with an index and English translations of the titles. I had mine printed and spiral bound at UPS Store, with a […]

Polish Lenten Hymns My Fourth Polish Language Collection So Far
The grey days of Lent are here and it’s time to have some appropriate music to play on our harps that reflect that somber essence of this season in the liturgical calendar. Polish hymnody offers a wealth of melodies and texts suitable to the mood. I’ve collected a number of them, again from the Polish American Liturgical Center at […]

Yкраїнська Великий Пісні Ukrainian Lenten Hymns
I’ve been playing Polish hymns on Sunday morning for quite a while now, as preludes and Communion offerings. For the past several years I’ve been studying my heritage language and more recently, Polish history, right up to the late 19th century when my ancestors left the rural countryside and arrived in Buffalo, NY from Ellis […]

About my harps St. Thomas & Grace Weekly Digest
Welcome to those of you who came here after clicking the link in our Weekly Digest! This is a WordPress blog I’ve been maintaining on and off and I hope to continue writing occasional material for our weekly church newsletter with a link to here if there’s interest. I’ve enjoyed playing my harps for you […]

King David’s Psalms What he might have actually played...
In my continuing research for interesting liturgical music to play on my three Irish wire-strung harps in church, I recently came across the work of the late French archaeomusicologist and organist Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura (1912-2000). She is best known for her book La Musique de la Bible revélée (1st ed.: 1976), a study in which the cantillation […]

Polish Liturgical Music on Wire Harp Roman Catholic Hymn Collection
In recent months I’ve become aware of a fantastic collection of kolady (Christmas carols) and hymns and service music for Mass on the website of the Polish American Liturgical Center at Orchard, Lake Michigan. Under Śpiewnik (hymnal) you will find a fabulous collection of Polish language hymns in PDF format to download! As I am […]

Truitt levers on Argent Fox Double Wire Harp
My new Argent Fox double strung wire harp has a full set of Truitt sharping levers with delrin fret pins. Here are some photos of them on my harp! A nice, brief article introducing the concept of levers: Types of Harp Sharping Levers

In time for Christmas services… my third wire harp! Argent Fox Double Strung Wire Harp
On November 16, 2022 George and I drove out to Hampton Beach, NH to meet Dan Speer of Argent Fox Harps and pick up my third wire-strung harp, a double strung with a full set of Truitt sharping levers. Dan packed her up and took her on the Amtrak train to NH, where he was […]

The Episcopal Hymnal(s) 1916 to 1982 arranged for wire harp
Currently I’m working on arranging selected hymns from the Episcopal Hymnals of 1916, 1940 and 1982 for my large Triplett Luna harp, for Sunday morning service use. Some hymns are in keys which are not friendly to my aging harp, which has been in the key of F (one flat) for as long as I […]